# This locust test script example will simulate a user # browsing the Locust documentation on https://docs.locust.io/ import random from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSquence, seq_task, task from pyquery import PyQuery class BrowseDocumentationSequence(TaskSquence): def on_start(self): self.urls_on_current_page = self.toc_urls # assume all users arrive at the index page @seq_task(1) def index_page(self): r = self.client.get("/") pq = PyQuery(r.content) link_elements = pq(".toctree-wrapper a.internal") self.toc_urls = [ l.attrib["href"] for l in link_elements ] @seq_task(2) @task(50) def load_page(self, url=None): url = random.choice(self.toc_urls) r = self.client.get(url) pq = PyQuery(r.content) link_elements = pq("a.internal") self.urls_on_current_page = [ l.attrib["href"] for l in link_elements ] @seq_task(3) @task(30) def load_sub_page(self): url = random.choice(self.urls_on_current_page) r = self.client.get(url) class AwesomeUser(HttpLocust): task_set = BrowseDocumentationSequence host = "https://docs.locust.io/en/latest/" # we assume someone who is browsing the Locust docs, # generally has a quite long waiting time (between # 20 and 600 seconds), since there's a bunch of text # on each page min_wait = 20 * 1000 max_wait = 600 * 1000