# Created by: AMAKAWA Shuhei # $FreeBSD: head/cad/ngspice_rework/Makefile 542079 2020-07-12 13:32:02Z pkubaj $ PORTNAME= ngspice_rework PORTVERSION= 32 CATEGORIES= cad MASTER_SITES= SF/ngspice/ng-spice-rework/${PORTVERSION} DISTNAME= ngspice-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= kevinz5000@gmail.com COMMENT= Mixed-signal circuit simulator derived from Spice and Cider LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE BSD4CLAUSE LGPL21+ LICENSE_COMB= multi LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING BROKEN_aarch64= Fails to link: missing sbrk LIB_DEPENDS= libfftw3.so:math/fftw3 FLAVORS= x11 shlib shlib_PKGNAMESUFFIX= -shlib shlib_CONFLICTS_INSTALL= ngspice_rework-2* x11_CONFLICTS_INSTALL= ngspice_rework-shlib-2* USES= compiler:c11 gmake libtool ncurses readline autoreconf pkgconfig USE_LDCONFIG= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-cider --enable-shared --enable-xspice --with-readline=yes OPTIONS_DEFINE= DEBUG .if ${FLAVOR:U} == shlib CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-ngshared PLIST_SUB+= SHLIB="" X11="@comment " .else USES+= xorg USE_XORG= ice sm x11 xaw xext xmu xt xft CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-x PLIST_SUB+= SHLIB="@comment " X11="" .endif DEBUG_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= debug INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip .include