functor MLBLrValsFun (structure Token: TOKEN structure Ast: AST val lexAndParseProgOrMLB: File.t * Region.t -> Ast.Basdec.node) = struct structure ParserData= struct structure Header = struct (* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks. * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute. * * MLton is released under a BSD-style license. * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details. *) type int = Int.t fun reg (left, right) = Region.make {left = left, right = right} fun error (reg, msg) = Control.error (reg, Layout.str msg, Layout.empty) open Ast type fctbinds = {lhs: Fctid.t, rhs: Fctid.t} list type sigbinds = {lhs: Sigid.t, rhs: Sigid.t} list type strbinds = {lhs: Strid.t, rhs: Strid.t} list type basbinds = {name: Basid.t, def: Basexp.t} list end structure LrTable = Token.LrTable structure Token = Token local open LrTable in val table=let val actionRows = "\ \\001\000\001\000\025\000\000\000\ \\001\000\001\000\025\000\006\000\070\000\012\000\069\000\000\000\ \\001\000\004\000\000\000\000\000\ \\001\000\008\000\071\000\000\000\ \\001\000\008\000\074\000\000\000\ \\001\000\008\000\082\000\000\000\ \\001\000\008\000\084\000\000\000\ \\001\000\009\000\053\000\000\000\ \\001\000\011\000\039\000\000\000\ \\001\000\011\000\049\000\000\000\ \\001\000\011\000\081\000\000\000\ \\001\000\020\000\021\000\000\000\ \\086\000\000\000\ \\087\000\000\000\ \\088\000\003\000\017\000\007\000\016\000\010\000\015\000\013\000\014\000\ \\014\000\013\000\015\000\012\000\016\000\011\000\017\000\010\000\ \\018\000\009\000\019\000\008\000\020\000\007\000\000\000\ \\089\000\000\000\ \\090\000\000\000\ \\091\000\000\000\ \\092\000\000\000\ \\093\000\000\000\ \\094\000\000\000\ \\095\000\000\000\ \\096\000\000\000\ \\097\000\000\000\ \\098\000\000\000\ \\099\000\000\000\ \\100\000\000\000\ \\101\000\000\000\ \\102\000\000\000\ \\103\000\000\000\ \\104\000\000\000\ \\105\000\005\000\052\000\000\000\ \\105\000\005\000\052\000\009\000\051\000\000\000\ \\106\000\000\000\ \\107\000\000\000\ \\108\000\000\000\ \\109\000\000\000\ \\110\000\005\000\047\000\000\000\ \\110\000\005\000\047\000\009\000\046\000\000\000\ \\111\000\000\000\ \\112\000\000\000\ \\113\000\000\000\ \\114\000\000\000\ \\115\000\005\000\044\000\000\000\ \\115\000\005\000\044\000\009\000\043\000\000\000\ \\116\000\000\000\ \\117\000\000\000\ \\118\000\000\000\ \\119\000\005\000\077\000\000\000\ \\120\000\000\000\ \\121\000\000\000\ \\122\000\000\000\ \\123\000\000\000\ \\124\000\000\000\ \\125\000\000\000\ \\126\000\001\000\025\000\000\000\ \\127\000\000\000\ \\128\000\000\000\ \\129\000\000\000\ \\130\000\000\000\ \\131\000\000\000\ \\132\000\000\000\ \\133\000\000\000\ \\134\000\020\000\021\000\000\000\ \\135\000\000\000\ \" val actionRowNumbers = "\014\000\013\000\012\000\017\000\ \\014\000\025\000\024\000\026\000\ \\011\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\ \\014\000\000\000\000\000\014\000\ \\016\000\008\000\063\000\061\000\ \\044\000\020\000\059\000\060\000\ \\038\000\019\000\058\000\054\000\ \\023\000\055\000\009\000\057\000\ \\032\000\018\000\007\000\021\000\ \\015\000\014\000\062\000\064\000\ \\041\000\000\000\000\000\035\000\ \\000\000\000\000\056\000\014\000\ \\029\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\ \\003\000\043\000\040\000\045\000\ \\037\000\034\000\039\000\004\000\ \\031\000\028\000\033\000\052\000\ \\050\000\048\000\046\000\014\000\ \\014\000\027\000\042\000\036\000\ \\022\000\030\000\047\000\000\000\ \\010\000\005\000\049\000\001\000\ \\051\000\006\000\053\000\002\000" val gotoT = "\ \\007\000\004\000\008\000\003\000\009\000\002\000\010\000\001\000\ \\020\000\083\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\004\000\008\000\003\000\009\000\016\000\010\000\001\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\001\000\018\000\002\000\017\000\000\000\ \\019\000\022\000\025\000\021\000\028\000\020\000\000\000\ \\019\000\026\000\021\000\025\000\024\000\024\000\000\000\ \\013\000\029\000\014\000\028\000\019\000\027\000\000\000\ \\007\000\004\000\008\000\003\000\009\000\030\000\010\000\001\000\000\000\ \\015\000\033\000\018\000\032\000\019\000\031\000\000\000\ \\004\000\035\000\013\000\034\000\019\000\027\000\000\000\ \\007\000\004\000\008\000\003\000\009\000\036\000\010\000\001\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\001\000\018\000\002\000\039\000\003\000\038\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\027\000\040\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\023\000\043\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\013\000\029\000\014\000\046\000\019\000\027\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\017\000\048\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\004\000\008\000\003\000\009\000\052\000\010\000\001\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\019\000\022\000\026\000\054\000\028\000\053\000\000\000\ \\019\000\022\000\025\000\055\000\028\000\020\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\019\000\026\000\022\000\057\000\024\000\056\000\000\000\ \\019\000\026\000\021\000\058\000\024\000\024\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\004\000\008\000\003\000\009\000\059\000\010\000\001\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\016\000\061\000\018\000\060\000\019\000\031\000\000\000\ \\015\000\062\000\018\000\032\000\019\000\031\000\000\000\ \\005\000\066\000\011\000\065\000\012\000\064\000\013\000\063\000\ \\019\000\027\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\027\000\070\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\023\000\071\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\017\000\073\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\006\000\074\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\007\000\004\000\008\000\003\000\009\000\076\000\010\000\001\000\000\000\ \\007\000\004\000\008\000\003\000\009\000\077\000\010\000\001\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\004\000\078\000\013\000\034\000\019\000\027\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\011\000\081\000\012\000\064\000\013\000\063\000\019\000\027\000\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \\000\000\ \" val numstates = 84 val numrules = 50 val s = ref "" and index = ref 0 val string_to_int = fn () => let val i = !index in index := i+2; Char.ord(String.sub(!s,i)) + Char.ord(String.sub(!s,i+1)) * 256 end val string_to_list = fn s' => let val len = String.size s' fun f () = if !index < len then string_to_int() :: f() else nil in index := 0; s := s'; f () end val string_to_pairlist = fn (conv_key,conv_entry) => let fun f () = case string_to_int() of 0 => EMPTY | n => PAIR(conv_key (n-1),conv_entry (string_to_int()),f()) in f end val string_to_pairlist_default = fn (conv_key,conv_entry) => let val conv_row = string_to_pairlist(conv_key,conv_entry) in fn () => let val default = conv_entry(string_to_int()) val row = conv_row() in (row,default) end end val string_to_table = fn (convert_row,s') => let val len = String.size s' fun f ()= if !index < len then convert_row() :: f() else nil in (s := s'; index := 0; f ()) end local val memo = Array.array(numstates+numrules,ERROR) val _ =let fun g i=(Array.update(memo,i,REDUCE(i-numstates)); g(i+1)) fun f i = if i=numstates then g i else (Array.update(memo,i,SHIFT (STATE i)); f (i+1)) in f 0 handle Subscript => () end in val entry_to_action = fn 0 => ACCEPT | 1 => ERROR | j => Array.sub(memo,(j-2)) end val gotoT=Array.fromList(string_to_table(string_to_pairlist(NT,STATE),gotoT)) val actionRows=string_to_table(string_to_pairlist_default(T,entry_to_action),actionRows) val actionRowNumbers = string_to_list actionRowNumbers val actionT = let val actionRowLookUp= let val a=Array.fromList(actionRows) in fn i=>Array.sub(a,i) end in Array.fromList(map actionRowLookUp actionRowNumbers) end in LrTable.mkLrTable {actions=actionT,gotos=gotoT,numRules=numrules, numStates=numstates,initialState=STATE 0} end end local open Header in type pos = SourcePos.t type arg = unit structure MlyValue = struct datatype svalue = VOID | ntVOID of unit -> unit | STRING of unit -> (string) | FILE of unit -> (string) | ID of unit -> (string) | strid of unit -> (Strid.t) | strbinds'' of unit -> (strbinds) | strbinds' of unit -> (Strid.t*strbinds) | strbinds of unit -> (strbinds) | sigid of unit -> (Sigid.t) | sigbinds'' of unit -> (sigbinds) | sigbinds' of unit -> (Sigid.t*sigbinds) | sigbinds of unit -> (sigbinds) | mlb of unit -> (Basdec.t) | id of unit -> (Symbol.t*Region.t) | fctid of unit -> (Fctid.t) | fctbinds'' of unit -> (fctbinds) | fctbinds' of unit -> (Fctid.t*fctbinds) | fctbinds of unit -> (fctbinds) | basids of unit -> (Basid.t list) | basid of unit -> (Basid.t) | basexpnode of unit -> (Basexp.node) | basexp of unit -> (Basexp.t) | basdecsnode of unit -> (Basdec.node) | basdecs of unit -> (Basdec.t) | basdecnode of unit -> (Basdec.node) | basdec of unit -> (Basdec.t) | basbinds'' of unit -> (basbinds) | basbinds' of unit -> (Basexp.t*basbinds) | basbinds of unit -> (basbinds) | annStar of unit -> ( ( string * Region.t ) list) | annPlus of unit -> ( ( string * Region.t ) list) | ann of unit -> (string*Region.t) end type svalue = MlyValue.svalue type result = Basdec.t end structure EC= struct open LrTable infix 5 $$ fun x $$ y = y::x val is_keyword = fn (T 4) => true | (T 5) => true | (T 6) => true | (T 7) => true | (T 9) => true | (T 10) => true | (T 11) => true | (T 12) => true | (T 13) => true | (T 14) => true | (T 15) => true | (T 16) => true | (T 17) => true | _ => false val preferred_change : (term list * term list) list = (nil ,nil $$ (T 2)):: (nil ,nil $$ (T 7) $$ (T 0) $$ (T 10)):: nil val noShift = fn (T 3) => true | _ => false val showTerminal = fn (T 0) => "ID" | (T 1) => "COMMA" | (T 2) => "SEMICOLON" | (T 3) => "EOF" | (T 4) => "AND" | (T 5) => "BAS" | (T 6) => "BASIS" | (T 7) => "END" | (T 8) => "EQUALOP" | (T 9) => "FUNCTOR" | (T 10) => "IN" | (T 11) => "LET" | (T 12) => "LOCAL" | (T 13) => "OPEN" | (T 14) => "SIGNATURE" | (T 15) => "STRUCTURE" | (T 16) => "ANN" | (T 17) => "PRIM" | (T 18) => "FILE" | (T 19) => "STRING" | _ => "bogus-term" local open Header in val errtermvalue= fn (T 0) => MlyValue.ID(fn () => ("bogus")) | _ => MlyValue.VOID end val terms : term list = nil $$ (T 17) $$ (T 16) $$ (T 15) $$ (T 14) $$ (T 13) $$ (T 12) $$ (T 11) $$ (T 10) $$ (T 9) $$ (T 8) $$ (T 7) $$ (T 6) $$ (T 5) $$ (T 4) $$ (T 3) $$ (T 2) $$ (T 1)end structure Actions = struct type int = exception mlyAction of int local open Header in val actions = fn (i392:int,defaultPos,stack, (()):arg) => case (i392,stack) of ( 0, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basdecs basdecs1, basdecs1left, basdecs1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = (fn _ => let val (basdecs as basdecs1) = basdecs1 () in (basdecs) end) in ( LrTable.NT 19, ( result, basdecs1left, basdecs1right), rest671) end | ( 1, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basdecsnode basdecsnode1, (basdecsnodeleft as basdecsnode1left), (basdecsnoderight as basdecsnode1right))) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecs (fn _ => let val ( basdecsnode as basdecsnode1) = basdecsnode1 () in ( Basdec.makeRegion' (basdecsnode, basdecsnodeleft, basdecsnoderight) ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 8, ( result, basdecsnode1left, basdecsnode1right), rest671) end | ( 2, ( rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecsnode (fn _ => (Basdec.Seq [])) in ( LrTable.NT 9, ( result, defaultPos, defaultPos), rest671) end | ( 3, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basdecs basdecs1, _, basdecs1right)) :: ( _, ( _, SEMICOLON1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecsnode (fn _ => let val (basdecs as basdecs1) = basdecs1 () in (Basdec.Seq [basdecs]) end) in ( LrTable.NT 9, ( result, SEMICOLON1left, basdecs1right), rest671) end | ( 4, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basdecs basdecs1, _, basdecs1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.basdec basdec1, basdec1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecsnode (fn _ => let val (basdec as basdec1) = basdec1 () val (basdecs as basdecs1) = basdecs1 () in (Basdec.Seq [basdec, basdecs]) end) in ( LrTable.NT 9, ( result, basdec1left, basdecs1right), rest671) end | ( 5, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basdecnode basdecnode1, (basdecnodeleft as basdecnode1left), (basdecnoderight as basdecnode1right))) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdec (fn _ => let val (basdecnode as basdecnode1) = basdecnode1 () in ( Basdec.makeRegion' (basdecnode, basdecnodeleft, basdecnoderight) ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 6, ( result, basdecnode1left, basdecnode1right), rest671) end | ( 6, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fctbinds fctbinds1, _, (fctbindsright as fctbinds1right))) :: ( _, ( _, (FUNCTORleft as FUNCTOR1left), _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecnode (fn _ => let val ( fctbinds as fctbinds1) = fctbinds1 () in ( let val fctbinds = Vector.fromList fctbinds in Basdec.Defs (ModIdBind.makeRegion' (ModIdBind.Fct fctbinds, FUNCTORleft, fctbindsright)) end ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, FUNCTOR1left, fctbinds1right), rest671) end | ( 7, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.sigbinds sigbinds1, _, (sigbindsright as sigbinds1right))) :: ( _, ( _, (SIGNATUREleft as SIGNATURE1left), _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecnode (fn _ => let val (sigbinds as sigbinds1) = sigbinds1 () in ( let val sigbinds = Vector.fromList sigbinds in Basdec.Defs (ModIdBind.makeRegion' (ModIdBind.Sig sigbinds, SIGNATUREleft, sigbindsright)) end ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, SIGNATURE1left, sigbinds1right), rest671 ) end | ( 8, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.strbinds strbinds1, _, (strbindsright as strbinds1right))) :: ( _, ( _, (STRUCTUREleft as STRUCTURE1left), _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecnode (fn _ => let val (strbinds as strbinds1) = strbinds1 () in ( let val strbinds = Vector.fromList strbinds in Basdec.Defs (ModIdBind.makeRegion' (ModIdBind.Str strbinds, STRUCTUREleft, strbindsright)) end ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, STRUCTURE1left, strbinds1right), rest671 ) end | ( 9, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basbinds basbinds1, _, basbinds1right)) :: ( _, ( _, BASIS1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecnode (fn _ => let val (basbinds as basbinds1) = basbinds1 () in ( let val basbinds = Vector.fromList basbinds in Basdec.Basis basbinds end ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, BASIS1left, basbinds1right), rest671) end | ( 10, ( ( _, ( _, _, END1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.basdecs basdecs2, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.basdecs basdecs1, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _, LOCAL1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecnode (fn _ => let val basdecs1 = basdecs1 () val basdecs2 = basdecs2 () in (Basdec.Local (basdecs1, basdecs2)) end) in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, LOCAL1left, END1right), rest671) end | ( 11, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basids basids1, _, basids1right)) :: ( _, ( _, OPEN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecnode (fn _ => let val (basids as basids1) = basids1 () in (Basdec.Open (Vector.fromList basids)) end) in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, OPEN1left, basids1right), rest671) end | ( 12, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.FILE FILE1, (FILEleft as FILE1left), ( FILEright as FILE1right))) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecnode (fn _ => let val (FILE as FILE1) = FILE1 () in ( let val reg = reg (FILEleft, FILEright) in lexAndParseProgOrMLB (FILE, reg) end ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, FILE1left, FILE1right), rest671) end | ( 13, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.STRING STRING1, (STRINGleft as STRING1left) , (STRINGright as STRING1right))) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecnode (fn _ => let val (STRING as STRING1) = STRING1 () in ( let val reg = reg (STRINGleft, STRINGright) in lexAndParseProgOrMLB (STRING, reg) end ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, STRING1left, STRING1right), rest671) end | ( 14, ( ( _, ( _, PRIM1left, PRIM1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecnode (fn _ => (Basdec.Prim)) in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, PRIM1left, PRIM1right), rest671) end | ( 15, ( ( _, ( _, _, END1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.basdecs basdecs1, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.annPlus annPlus1, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _, ANN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basdecnode (fn _ => let val (annPlus as annPlus1) = annPlus1 () val (basdecs as basdecs1) = basdecs1 () in ( let val extendRight = let val right = valOf (Region.right (Basdec.region basdecs)) in fn reg => Region.extendRight (reg, right) end fun mkAnn' ((ann,reg), basdecs) = Basdec.Ann (ann, reg, basdecs) fun mkAnn ((ann,reg), basdecsnode) : Basdec.node = mkAnn' ((ann,reg), Basdec.makeRegion (basdecsnode, extendRight reg)) val (anns,ann) = List.splitLast annPlus in List.fold(anns, mkAnn'(ann, basdecs), mkAnn) end ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, ANN1left, END1right), rest671) end | ( 16, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fctbinds' fctbinds'1, _, fctbinds'1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.fctid fctid1, fctid1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.fctbinds (fn _ => let val (fctid as fctid1) = fctid1 () val (fctbinds' as fctbinds'1) = fctbinds'1 () in ( let val (def, fctbinds) = fctbinds' in {lhs = fctid, rhs = def} :: fctbinds end ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 14, ( result, fctid1left, fctbinds'1right), rest671) end | ( 17, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fctbinds'' fctbinds''1, _, fctbinds''1right )) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.fctid fctid1, fctid1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.fctbinds (fn _ => let val (fctid as fctid1) = fctid1 () val (fctbinds'' as fctbinds''1) = fctbinds''1 () in ({lhs = fctid, rhs = fctid} :: fctbinds'') end) in ( LrTable.NT 14, ( result, fctid1left, fctbinds''1right), rest671) end | ( 18, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fctbinds'' fctbinds''1, _, fctbinds''1right )) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.fctid fctid1, fctid1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.fctbinds' (fn _ => let val (fctid as fctid1) = fctid1 () val (fctbinds'' as fctbinds''1) = fctbinds''1 () in (fctid, fctbinds'') end) in ( LrTable.NT 15, ( result, fctid1left, fctbinds''1right), rest671) end | ( 19, ( rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.fctbinds'' (fn _ => ([])) in ( LrTable.NT 16, ( result, defaultPos, defaultPos), rest671) end | ( 20, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fctbinds fctbinds1, _, fctbinds1right)) :: ( _, ( _, AND1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.fctbinds'' (fn _ => let val (fctbinds as fctbinds1) = fctbinds1 () in (fctbinds) end) in ( LrTable.NT 16, ( result, AND1left, fctbinds1right), rest671) end | ( 21, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.sigbinds' sigbinds'1, _, sigbinds'1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.sigid sigid1, sigid1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.sigbinds (fn _ => let val (sigid as sigid1) = sigid1 () val (sigbinds' as sigbinds'1) = sigbinds'1 () in ( let val (def, sigbinds) = sigbinds' in {lhs = sigid, rhs = def} :: sigbinds end ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 20, ( result, sigid1left, sigbinds'1right), rest671) end | ( 22, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.sigbinds'' sigbinds''1, _, sigbinds''1right )) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.sigid sigid1, sigid1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.sigbinds (fn _ => let val (sigid as sigid1) = sigid1 () val (sigbinds'' as sigbinds''1) = sigbinds''1 () in ({lhs = sigid, rhs = sigid} :: sigbinds'') end) in ( LrTable.NT 20, ( result, sigid1left, sigbinds''1right), rest671) end | ( 23, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.sigbinds'' sigbinds''1, _, sigbinds''1right )) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.sigid sigid1, sigid1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.sigbinds' (fn _ => let val (sigid as sigid1) = sigid1 () val (sigbinds'' as sigbinds''1) = sigbinds''1 () in (sigid, sigbinds'') end) in ( LrTable.NT 21, ( result, sigid1left, sigbinds''1right), rest671) end | ( 24, ( rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.sigbinds'' (fn _ => ([])) in ( LrTable.NT 22, ( result, defaultPos, defaultPos), rest671) end | ( 25, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.sigbinds sigbinds1, _, sigbinds1right)) :: ( _, ( _, AND1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.sigbinds'' (fn _ => let val (sigbinds as sigbinds1) = sigbinds1 () in (sigbinds) end) in ( LrTable.NT 22, ( result, AND1left, sigbinds1right), rest671) end | ( 26, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.strbinds' strbinds'1, _, strbinds'1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.strid strid1, strid1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.strbinds (fn _ => let val (strid as strid1) = strid1 () val (strbinds' as strbinds'1) = strbinds'1 () in ( let val (def, strbinds) = strbinds' in {lhs = strid, rhs = def} :: strbinds end ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 24, ( result, strid1left, strbinds'1right), rest671) end | ( 27, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.strbinds'' strbinds''1, _, strbinds''1right )) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.strid strid1, strid1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.strbinds (fn _ => let val (strid as strid1) = strid1 () val (strbinds'' as strbinds''1) = strbinds''1 () in ({lhs = strid, rhs = strid} :: strbinds'') end) in ( LrTable.NT 24, ( result, strid1left, strbinds''1right), rest671) end | ( 28, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.strbinds'' strbinds''1, _, strbinds''1right )) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.strid strid1, strid1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.strbinds' (fn _ => let val (strid as strid1) = strid1 () val (strbinds'' as strbinds''1) = strbinds''1 () in (strid, strbinds'') end) in ( LrTable.NT 25, ( result, strid1left, strbinds''1right), rest671) end | ( 29, ( rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.strbinds'' (fn _ => ([])) in ( LrTable.NT 26, ( result, defaultPos, defaultPos), rest671) end | ( 30, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.strbinds strbinds1, _, strbinds1right)) :: ( _, ( _, AND1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.strbinds'' (fn _ => let val (strbinds as strbinds1) = strbinds1 () in (strbinds) end) in ( LrTable.NT 26, ( result, AND1left, strbinds1right), rest671) end | ( 31, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basbinds' basbinds'1, _, basbinds'1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.basid basid1, basid1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basbinds (fn _ => let val (basid as basid1) = basid1 () val (basbinds' as basbinds'1) = basbinds'1 () in ( let val (def, basbinds) = basbinds' in {name = basid, def = def} :: basbinds end ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 3, ( result, basid1left, basbinds'1right), rest671) end | ( 32, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basbinds'' basbinds''1, _, basbinds''1right )) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.basexp basexp1, basexp1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basbinds' (fn _ => let val (basexp as basexp1) = basexp1 () val (basbinds'' as basbinds''1) = basbinds''1 () in (basexp, basbinds'') end) in ( LrTable.NT 4, ( result, basexp1left, basbinds''1right), rest671) end | ( 33, ( rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basbinds'' (fn _ => ([])) in ( LrTable.NT 5, ( result, defaultPos, defaultPos), rest671) end | ( 34, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basbinds basbinds1, _, basbinds1right)) :: ( _, ( _, AND1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basbinds'' (fn _ => let val (basbinds as basbinds1) = basbinds1 () in (basbinds) end) in ( LrTable.NT 5, ( result, AND1left, basbinds1right), rest671) end | ( 35, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basexpnode basexpnode1, (basexpnodeleft as basexpnode1left), (basexpnoderight as basexpnode1right))) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basexp (fn _ => let val (basexpnode as basexpnode1) = basexpnode1 () in ( Basexp.makeRegion' (basexpnode, basexpnodeleft, basexpnoderight) ) end) in ( LrTable.NT 10, ( result, basexpnode1left, basexpnode1right), rest671) end | ( 36, ( ( _, ( _, _, END1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.basdecs basdecs1, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _, BAS1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basexpnode (fn _ => let val (basdecs as basdecs1) = basdecs1 () in (Basexp.Bas basdecs) end) in ( LrTable.NT 11, ( result, BAS1left, END1right), rest671) end | ( 37, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basid basid1, basid1left, basid1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basexpnode (fn _ => let val ( basid as basid1) = basid1 () in (Basexp.Var basid) end) in ( LrTable.NT 11, ( result, basid1left, basid1right), rest671) end | ( 38, ( ( _, ( _, _, END1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.basexp basexp1, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.basdecs basdecs1, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _, LET1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basexpnode (fn _ => let val (basdecs as basdecs1) = basdecs1 () val (basexp as basexp1) = basexp1 () in (Basexp.Let (basdecs, basexp)) end) in ( LrTable.NT 11, ( result, LET1left, END1right), rest671) end | ( 39, ( ( _, ( id1, id1left, id1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basid (fn _ => let val (id as id1) = id1 () in (Basid.fromSymbol id) end) in ( LrTable.NT 12, ( result, id1left, id1right), rest671) end | ( 40, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basid basid1, basid1left, basid1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basids (fn _ => let val ( basid as basid1) = basid1 () in ([basid]) end) in ( LrTable.NT 13, ( result, basid1left, basid1right), rest671) end | ( 41, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.basids basids1, _, basids1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.basid basid1, basid1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.basids (fn _ => let val (basid as basid1) = basid1 () val (basids as basids1) = basids1 () in (basid :: basids) end) in ( LrTable.NT 13, ( result, basid1left, basids1right), rest671) end | ( 42, ( ( _, ( id1, id1left, id1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.fctid (fn _ => let val (id as id1) = id1 () in (Fctid.fromSymbol id) end) in ( LrTable.NT 17, ( result, id1left, id1right), rest671) end | ( 43, ( ( _, ( id1, id1left, id1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.sigid (fn _ => let val (id as id1) = id1 () in (Sigid.fromSymbol id) end) in ( LrTable.NT 23, ( result, id1left, id1right), rest671) end | ( 44, ( ( _, ( id1, id1left, id1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.strid (fn _ => let val (id as id1) = id1 () in (Strid.fromSymbol id) end) in ( LrTable.NT 27, ( result, id1left, id1right), rest671) end | ( 45, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.ID ID1, (IDleft as ID1left), (IDright as ID1right))) :: rest671)) => let val result = (fn _ => let val (ID as ID1) = ID1 () in (Symbol.fromString ID, reg (IDleft, IDright)) end) in ( LrTable.NT 18, ( result, ID1left, ID1right), rest671) end | ( 46, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.STRING STRING1, (STRINGleft as STRING1left) , (STRINGright as STRING1right))) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.ann (fn _ => let val (STRING as STRING1) = STRING1 () in (STRING, reg (STRINGleft, STRINGright)) end) in ( LrTable.NT 0, ( result, STRING1left, STRING1right), rest671) end | ( 47, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.annStar annStar1, _, annStar1right)) :: ( _ , ( MlyValue.ann ann1, ann1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.annPlus (fn _ => let val (ann as ann1) = ann1 () val (annStar as annStar1) = annStar1 () in (ann::annStar) end) in ( LrTable.NT 1, ( result, ann1left, annStar1right), rest671) end | ( 48, ( rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.annStar (fn _ => ( [])) in ( LrTable.NT 2, ( result, defaultPos, defaultPos), rest671) end | ( 49, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.annPlus annPlus1, annPlus1left, annPlus1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.annStar (fn _ => let val (annPlus as annPlus1) = annPlus1 () in (annPlus) end) in ( LrTable.NT 2, ( result, annPlus1left, annPlus1right), rest671) end | _ => raise (mlyAction i392) end val void = MlyValue.VOID val extract = fn a => (fn x => x | _ => let exception ParseInternal in raise ParseInternal end) a () end end structure Tokens : MLB_TOKENS = struct type svalue = ParserData.svalue type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) Token.token fun ID (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 0,( ParserData.MlyValue.ID (fn () => i),p1,p2)) fun COMMA (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 1,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun SEMICOLON (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 2,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun EOF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 3,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun AND (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 4,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun BAS (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 5,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun BASIS (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 6,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun END (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 7,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun EQUALOP (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 8,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun FUNCTOR (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 9,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun IN (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 10,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun LET (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 11,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun LOCAL (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 12,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun OPEN (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 13,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun SIGNATURE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 14,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun STRUCTURE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 15,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun ANN (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 16,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun PRIM (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 17,( ParserData.MlyValue.VOID,p1,p2)) fun FILE (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 18,( ParserData.MlyValue.FILE (fn () => i),p1,p2)) fun STRING (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 19,( ParserData.MlyValue.STRING (fn () => i),p1,p2)) end end