# Created by: Iblis Lin # $FreeBSD: head/math/openlibm/Makefile 559854 2021-01-01 16:52:26Z pkubaj $ PORTNAME= openlibm DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.6.0 PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= math MAINTAINER= iblis@hs.ntnu.edu.tw COMMENT= High quality system independent, portable, open source libm LICENSE= MIT ISCL BSD2CLAUSE LICENSE_COMB= multi LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.md BROKEN_armv6= fails to compile: a parameter list without types is only allowed in a function definition BROKEN_armv7= fails to compile: a parameter list without types is only allowed in a function definition BROKEN_mips= fails to compile: No rule to make target mips/Make.files BROKEN_mips64= fails to compile: No rule to make target mips64/Make.files BROKEN_riscv64= fails to compile: No rule to make target riscv64/Make.files USES= gmake USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= JuliaMath GH_PROJECT= openlibm USE_LDCONFIG= yes .include .if ${ARCH:Mpowerpc64*} USES+= compiler:gcc-c++11-lib .else USES+= compiler:c11 .endif .include MAKE_ENV+= prefix=${PREFIX} ${MAKE_ENV_${CHOSEN_COMPILER_TYPE}} MAKE_ENV_gcc= USEGCC=1 USECLANG=0 MAKE_ENV_clang= USEGCC=0 USECLANG=1 TEST_TARGET= check post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/USEGCC =/USEGCC ?=/g' \ -e 's/USECLANG =/USECLANG ?=/g' \ -e '/TOOLPREFIX)gcc/s/$$/${GCC_DEFAULT}/g' \ ${WRKSRC}/Make.inc .include