--- cmake/SearchForStuff.cmake.orig 2018-11-21 00:19:13 UTC +++ cmake/SearchForStuff.cmake @@ -9,24 +9,24 @@ if (USE_EXTERNAL_TINYXML) ################################################# # Find tinyxml. Only debian distributions package tinyxml with a pkg-config # Use pkg_check_modules and fallback to manual detection (needed, at least, for MacOS) - pkg_check_modules(tinyxml tinyxml) + pkg_check_modules(tinyxml tinyxml2) if (NOT tinyxml_FOUND) - find_path (tinyxml_include_dirs tinyxml.h ${tinyxml_include_dirs} ENV CPATH) - find_library(tinyxml_LIBRARIES NAMES tinyxml) + find_path (tinyxml_include_dirs tinyxml2.h ${tinyxml_include_dirs} ENV CPATH) + find_library(tinyxml_LIBRARIES NAMES tinyxml2) set (tinyxml_FAIL False) if (NOT tinyxml_include_dirs) - message (STATUS "Looking for tinyxml headers - not found") + message (STATUS "Looking for tinyxml2 headers - not found") set (tinyxml_FAIL True) endif() if (NOT tinyxml_LIBRARIES) - message (STATUS "Looking for tinyxml library - not found") + message (STATUS "Looking for tinyxml2 library - not found") set (tinyxml_FAIL True) endif() endif() if (tinyxml_FAIL) - message (STATUS "Looking for tinyxml.h - not found") - BUILD_ERROR("Missing: tinyxml") + message (STATUS "Looking for tinyxml2.h - not found") + BUILD_ERROR("Missing: tinyxml2") endif() else() # Needed in WIN32 since in UNIX the flag is added in the code installed