# Created by: Oleh Hushchenkov # $FreeBSD: head/misc/unclutter-xfixes/Makefile 516916 2019-11-06 18:07:22Z zeising $ PORTNAME= unclutter-xfixes PORTVERSION= 1.5 DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v CATEGORIES= misc MAINTAINER= o.hushchenkov@gmail.com COMMENT= Rewrite of unclutter using the x11-xfixes extension LICENSE= MIT LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE BUILD_DEPENDS= a2x:textproc/asciidoc LIB_DEPENDS= libev.so:devel/libev USES= gmake pkgconfig xorg USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= Airblader USE_XORG= x11 xi xfixes CONFLICTS_INSTALL= unclutter-8* PLIST_FILES= bin/unclutter \ man/man1/unclutter.1.gz MAKE_ARGS= CC=${CC} CFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include .include