#!/bin/sh # $FreeBSD: head/net-mgmt/bosun/files/bosun.in 528773 2020-03-20 11:58:01Z girgen $ # PROVIDE: bosun # REQUIRE: DAEMON NETWORKING # BEFORE: LOGIN # KEYWORD: shutdown # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable bosunb: # bosun_enable="YES" # # bosun_enable (bool): Set to YES to enable bosun # Default: NO # bosun_conf (str): bosun configuration file # Default: %%ETCDIR%%/${name}.conf # bosun_user (str): bosun daemon user # Default: %%USERS%% # bosun_group (str): bosun daemon group # Default: %%GROUPS%% # bosun_flags (str): Extra flags passed to bosun # Default: empty . /etc/rc.subr PATH=${PATH}:%%LOCALBASE%%/sbin:%%LOCALBASE%%/bin name="bosun" rcvar=bosun_enable load_rc_config $name : ${bosun_enable:="NO"} : ${bosun_user:="%%USERS%%"} : ${bosun_group:="%%GROUPS%%"} : ${bosun_conf:="%%ETCDIR%%/${name}.conf"} : ${bosun_flags}:="" : ${bosun_options:="${bosun_flags} -c ${bosun_conf}"} logfile="%%BOSUN_LOGDIR%%/${name}.log" pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" command=/usr/sbin/daemon start_precmd="bosun_prestart" start_cmd="bosun_start" stop_cmd="bosun_stop" bosun_prestart() { install -d -o ${bosun_user} -g ${bosun_group} -m750 %%BOSUN_LOGDIR%% } bosun_start() { echo "Starting ${name}" /usr/sbin/daemon -fcr -P ${pidfile} -u ${bosun_user} -o ${logfile} \ %%PREFIX%%/bin/${name} ${bosun_options} } bosun_stop() { pid=$(check_pidfile $pidfile $command) if [ -n "${pid}" ]; then echo "Stopping ${name} (pid=${pid})" kill -- -${pid} wait_for_pids ${pid} else echo "${name} isn't running" fi } run_rc_command "$1"