#!/bin/sh # $FreeBSD: head/net-mgmt/dhcp_probe/files/dhcp_probe.in 380712 2015-03-07 18:33:16Z riggs $ # # PROVIDE: dhcp_probe # REQUIRE: LOGIN # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable dhcp_probe: # # dhcp_probe_enable="YES" # dhcp_probe_flags="" . /etc/rc.subr name=dhcp_probe desc="Attempts to discover DHCP and BootP servers on a network." rcvar=dhcp_probe_enable load_rc_config $name : ${dhcp_probe_enable:="NO"} : ${dhcp_probe_config="%%PREFIX%%/etc/dhcp_probe.cf"} command=%%PREFIX%%/sbin/${name} start_precmd="${name}_prestart" dhcp_probe_prestart() { # The interface (rc_flags) has to go after the config file argument rc_flags="-c ${dhcp_probe_config} ${rc_flags}" return 0 } run_rc_command "$1"