# Created by: Matthew Seaman # $FreeBSD: head/net/phpldapadmin/Makefile 549746 2020-09-23 16:13:26Z fluffy $ PORTNAME= phpldapadmin PORTVERSION= CATEGORIES= net www PKGNAMESUFFIX= ${PHP_PKGNAMESUFFIX} MAINTAINER= ports@bsdserwis.com COMMENT= PHP application to administer LDAP over the web LICENSE= GPLv2 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= cpe php:web,flavors tar:tgz USE_PHP= gettext ldap openssl pcre session xml iconv hash USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= leenooks GH_PROJECT= phpLDAPadmin NO_ARCH= yes NO_BUILD= yes CPE_VENDOR= deon_george OPTIONS_DEFINE= MCRYPT MCRYPT_DESC= Use pecl-mcrypt for password hashing MCRYPT_USE= PHP=mcrypt .include GROUPS?= ${WWWGRP} CFGDIR= config CFGFILE= config.php PLIST= ${WRKDIR}/plist PLIST_FILES= '@sample(,${GROUPS},640) ${WWWDIR_REL}/config/config.php.example ${WWWDIR_REL}/config/config.php' SUB_LIST+= PKGNAME=${PKGNAME} SUB_FILES+= pkg-message .SILENT: .include post-patch: cd ${WRKSRC} ; \ ${FIND} . ! -type d ! -name ${CFGFILE}.example ! -name .cvsignore \ ! -name .gitignore ! -name *.orig | ${SORT} | \ ${SED} -e "s!^\.!${WWWDIR_REL}!" >${PLIST} ; do-install: cd ${WRKSRC} ; \ for src in $$( ${FIND} . ! -name .cvsignore \ ! -name .gitignore ! -name *.orig ) ; do \ dst=${STAGEDIR}${WWWDIR}$${src#.} ; \ if ${TEST} -d $$src ; then \ ${MKDIR} $$dst ; \ else \ ${INSTALL_DATA} $$src $$dst ; \ fi \ done .include