#!/bin/sh # Start or stop widentd # # $FreeBSD: head/net/widentd/files/widentd.in 380353 2015-03-03 11:08:32Z robak $ # # PROVIDE: widentd # REQUIRE: DAEMON # BEFORE: LOGIN # KEYWORD: shutdown # Define these widentd_* variables in one of these files: # # /etc/rc.conf # /etc/rc.conf.local # # e.g. # widentd_enable="YES" # # see the widentd(8) man page for some additional options; # such as flags to set the IP address widentd is bound to, # or how to set a differernt, or fake user id being sent as a reply. # # DO NOT CHANGE THE FOLLOWING DEFAULT VALUES HERE # widentd_enable=${widentd_enable-"NO"} . /etc/rc.subr name="widentd" rcvar=widentd_enable command="%%PREFIX%%/sbin/widentd" load_rc_config $name run_rc_command "$1"