# $FreeBSD: head/print/tex-formats/Makefile 498861 2019-04-13 23:45:41Z sunpoet $ PORTNAME= formats PORTVERSION= 20150521 PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= print MASTER_SITES= #empty PKGNAMEPREFIX= tex- DISTFILES= #empty EXTRACT_ONLY= #empty MAINTAINER= hrs@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Formats for basic TeX engines and the 'latex' command NO_ARCH= yes NO_BUILD= yes NO_INSTALL= yes USE_TEX= web2c basic texmf fmtutil texhash TEXHASHDIRS= ${TEXMFVARDIR} TEX_FORMATS= amstex context cslatex csplain eplain latex-bin \ metafont mex mptopdf pdftex tex .include