# # Sample Configuration File # # JAVA # Command to invoke Java. If not set, java (from the PATH) will be used. # # JAVA_OPTIONS # Extra options to pass to the JVM # JAVA=%%JAVA%% # JETTY_HOME # Where Jetty is installed. If not set, the script will try go # guess it by looking at the invocation path for the script # The java system property "jetty.home" will be # set to this value for use by configure.xml files, f.e.: # # /webapps/jetty.war # JETTY_HOME=%%PREFIX%%/jetty_%%APP_NAME%% # # JETTY_BASE # Where your Jetty base directory is. If not set, the value from # $JETTY_HOME will be used. # # IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU MODIFY THIS VARIABLE TO POINT # TO THE INSTALLATION OF YOUR WEB APPLICATION, KEEPING YOUR WEB # APPLICATION SEPARATE FROM THE JETTY HOME LOCATION. # # MORE INFORMATION HERE: # # http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/startup-base-and-home.html # JETTY_BASE=%%PREFIX%%/%%WWWDIR%% # JETTY_RUN # Where the $NAME.pid file should be stored. It defaults to the # first available of /var/run, /usr/var/run, JETTY_BASE and /tmp # if not set. # # JETTY_PID # The Jetty PID file, defaults to $JETTY_RUN/$NAME.pid # JETTY_PID=/var/run/bastillion/%%APP_NAME%%.pid # JETTY_ARGS # The default arguments to pass to jetty. # For example # JETTY_ARGS=jetty.http.port=8080 jetty.ssl.port=8443 # JETTY_ARGS=jetty.console-capture.dir=/var/log/%%APP_NAME%% # JETTY_USER # if set, then used as a username to run the server as # # JETTY_SHELL # If set, then used as the shell by su when starting the server. Will have # no effect if start-stop-daemon exists. Useful when JETTY_USER does not # have shell access, e.g. /bin/false #