# $FreeBSD: head/www/otter-browser/Makefile 569118 2021-03-24 13:34:35Z rene $ PORTNAME= otter-browser DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v # Occasionally otter-browser is updated to intermediate commits; # releases are rather infrequent. To update to an intermediate: # - Make up a PORTVERSION that resembles the DISTVERSION, add a # .tweak number to it, comment-out DISTVERSION # - Set a GH_TAG to the intermediate commit (below) # - Add a comment here to indicate that the intermediate is # intentional # # PORTVERSION= DISTVERSION= 1.0.02 CATEGORIES= www MAINTAINER= kde@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Browser based on Qt 5 LICENSE= GPLv3 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING LIB_DEPENDS= libhunspell-1.7.so:textproc/hunspell USES= cmake compiler:c++11-lib desktop-file-utils qt:5 USE_QT= concurrent core dbus declarative gui multimedia network printsupport \ script sql sql-sqlite3 svg widgets xmlpatterns \ buildtools_build qmake_build USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= OtterBrowser # GH_TAGNAME= 22de58d # For intermediate versions only OPTIONS_MULTI= BACKEND OPTIONS_MULTI_BACKEND= QTWEBENGINE QTWEBKIT OPTIONS_DEFAULT= QTWEBKIT OPTIONS_DEFAULT_amd64= QTWEBENGINE OPTIONS_DEFAULT_i386= QTWEBENGINE QTWEBENGINE_DESC= Build QtWebEngine backend QTWEBKIT_DESC= Build QtWebKit backend QTWEBENGINE_USE= qt=declarative,location,webchannel,webengine QTWEBENGINE_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_QTWEBENGINE QTWEBKIT_USE= qt=webkit QTWEBKIT_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_QTWEBKIT .include .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MQTWEBENGINE} DEPRECATED= Uses EOL Python 2.7 via www/qt5-webengine EXPIRATION_DATE=2021-06-23 .endif .include