# $FreeBSD: head/x11-toolkits/qt5-virtualkeyboard/Makefile 556007 2020-11-21 18:18:34Z tcberner $ PORTNAME= virtualkeyboard DISTVERSION= ${QT5_VERSION} PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= x11-toolkits PKGNAMEPREFIX= qt5- MAINTAINER= kde@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Qt 5 Virtual Keyboard Module LIB_DEPENDS= libhunspell-1.7.so:textproc/hunspell USES= compiler:c++11-lang pkgconfig qmake qt-dist:5,virtualkeyboard USE_QT= core declarative network gui widgets svg buildtools_build # Disable the builtin layouts -- otherwise we need to pull in a lot of other # stuff. QMAKE_ARGS= CONFIG+=disable-layouts .include