# $FreeBSD: head/x11/kf5-kwindowsystem/Makefile 516401 2019-11-03 09:18:27Z tcberner $ PORTNAME= kwindowsystem DISTVERSION= ${KDE_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION} CATEGORIES= x11 kde kde-frameworks MAINTAINER= kde@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= KF5 library for access to the windowing system LIB_DEPENDS= libxcb-keysyms.so:x11/xcb-util-keysyms USES= cmake compiler:c++11-lib kde:5 pkgconfig qt:5 tar:xz xorg USE_KDE= ecm USE_QT= buildtools_build core gui linguisttools qmake_build \ testlib widgets x11extras USE_XORG= ice sm x11 xcb xext xfixes xrender .include