# Created by: Pete Fritchman # $FreeBSD: head/benchmarks/iperf/Makefile 382239 2015-03-25 15:45:06Z sunpoet $ PORTNAME= iperf PORTVERSION= 2.0.5 CATEGORIES= benchmarks MASTER_SITES= SF/${PORTNAME} MAINTAINER= sunpoet@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Tool to measure maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth LICENSE= BSD2CLAUSE OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS IPV6 THREADS OPTIONS_DEFAULT=THREADS GNU_CONFIGURE= yes PLIST_FILES= bin/iperf \ man/man1/iperf.1.gz PORTDOCS= * IPV6_CATEGORIES= ipv6 IPV6_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= ipv6 THREADS_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= threads THREADS_LDFLAGS= -lpthread post-install: ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}/ cd ${WRKSRC}/ && ${INSTALL_DATA} README doc/*.gif doc/*.html ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}/ .include