# Created by: Patrick Gardella # $FreeBSD: head/databases/jdbc-oracle9i/Makefile 346892 2014-03-03 13:12:39Z thierry $ PORTNAME= oracle9i PORTVERSION= CATEGORIES= databases java MASTER_SITES= # none PKGNAMEPREFIX= jdbc- DISTFILES= ${CLASSES} ${OCRS_FILE} DIST_SUBDIR= oracle9i EXTRACT_ONLY= # none MAINTAINER= thierry@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= The JDBC drivers for Oracle 9i RESTRICTED= This software is under license and export controls USE_JAVA= yes JAVA_VERSION= 1.6+ NO_BUILD= yes NO_WRKSUBDIR= yes CLASSES= ojdbc14.jar OCRS_FILE= ocrs12.jar PLIST_FILES= %%JAVAJARDIR%%/${CLASSES} \ %%JAVAJARDIR%%/${OCRS_FILE} .include .if !exists(${CLASSES:S|^|${_DISTDIR}/|}}) \ && !exists(${OCRS_FILE:S|^|${_DISTDIR}/|}) IGNORE=Please manually download ${DISTFILES} from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/jdbc9201-092698.html Oracle9i ${PORTVERSION} JDBC Drivers for use with JDK 1.4 \(JDBC classes + Additional RowSet support\). Put ${DISTFILES} into the directory ${_DISTDIR} and run make again. .endif do-install: ${INSTALL_DATA} ${DISTFILES:S|^|${_DISTDIR}/|} ${STAGEDIR}${JAVAJARDIR} .include