---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post installation instructions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MyITCRM is now installed in documentroot: %%WWWDIR%%. 1) Create user, MySQL database and set privileges: mysql -u root -p'your_password' create database myitcrm; create user 'myitcrm'@'localhost' identified by 'your_password'; grant all privileges on myitcrm.* to 'myitcrm'@'localhost' identified by 'your_password'; 2) Setup your MyITCRM: Now you can try http://your-server/myitcrm/install and setup your database. Full Path: %%WWWDIR%% Site Name: http://your-server/myitcrm 3) Finally move the installation folder or you will not be able to login: mkdir -p $HOME/backup/myitcrm mv %%WWWDIR%%/install $HOME/backup/myitcrm If you need to reinstall MyITCRM, move the directory back and go back to step 2. Recommended php.ini settings: - memory_limit=32M - register_globals=off - safe_mode=off ============================================================================