# Created by: Boris Samorodov # $FreeBSD: head/devel/eric4/Makefile.inc 412346 2016-04-01 14:00:51Z mat $ # # This is a set of Makefile macros which allow to build the core and # localized language packages for devel/eric4: # french/eric4, german/eric4, russian/eric4 PORTNAME= eric4 PORTVERSION= 4.5.24 MASTER_SITES= SF/eric-ide/${PORTNAME}/stable/${PORTVERSION} DISTNAME?= ${PORTNAME}-i18n-${I18N_LANG}-${PORTVERSION} WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER?= bsam@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE based on Qt4 LICENSE= GPLv3 RUN_DEPENDS?= ${PREFIX}/bin/eric4:devel/eric4 I18N_LANG?= ru INSTALL_CMD?= install-i18n.py -p ${STAGEDIR} MAKE_ENV+= "HOME=${WRKDIR}" USES+= python:2 NO_BUILD= yes PLIST_FILES?= %%DATADIR%%/i18n/${PORTNAME}_${I18N_LANG}.qm EXTRA_PATCHES?= ${.CURDIR}/../../devel/eric4/files/extra-patch-install-i18n.py do-install: @(cd ${WRKSRC}; \ ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${PYTHON_CMD} ${INSTALL_CMD}) DESCR= ${.CURDIR}/../../devel/eric4/pkg-descr .include