# Created by: Ade Lovett # $FreeBSD: head/games/pioneers/Makefile 412346 2016-04-01 14:00:51Z mat $ PORTNAME= pioneers PORTVERSION= 15.3 CATEGORIES= games gnome MASTER_SITES= SF/pio/Source MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Internet playable version of the Settlers of Catan LICENSE= GPLv2+ RUN_DEPENDS= yelp:x11/yelp USES= gettext gmake pkgconfig USE_GNOME= gnomeprefix gtk30 intltool libgnome librsvg2 INSTALLS_ICONS= yes INSTALLS_OMF= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CPPFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include LDFLAGS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib .include