%%PKGNAME%% is now installed in %%PREFIX%%/%%COMPILERDIR%%, to use it you have to put your license into your INTEL_FLEXLM_LICENSE (default: %%PREFIX%%/%%COMPILERDIR%%/licenses) directory and add %%PREFIX%%/%%COMPILERDIR%%/bin to your PATH. WARNING: If you use icc while having linux_devtools installed, icc will use the wrong includes and therefore will generate non-working binaries! If you encounter problems with icc please consult the errata at http://support.intel.com/support/performancetools/c/C_Compiler_Errata.htm first. Call for benchmarks: Intel is interested to see some benchmark numbers which compare gcc with icc. If you have a CPU produced by Intel and are able to do benchmarks with either your own source or with one of our major ports (e.g. with a webserver, a mailserver, a database system, an important graphics suite/program or some important math tool, ...) please try to spend some time to do a benchmark and send me (%%MAINTAINER%%) the result. You should include your system specs (CPU: speed/model, RAM: amount/speed, used disks (if necessary), chipset/mainboard type, ...), the version of the used software (OS, gcc, icc, ...), non default tuning options (kernel, sysctl) and the used compiler switches. If you don't use some 'standard' benchmark (e.g. the official MySQL benchmark, or the performance test suite of your prefered scripting language), please include a description about the benchmark too. Please use FreeBSD as the name of your OS in communications with the support, the larger the FreeBSD userbase is, more gets done on FreeBSD specific issues by Intel. And please thank them for the FreeBSD support, they are already spending some time to improve icc on FreeBSD.