# $FreeBSD: head/mail/filtermail/Makefile 377064 2015-01-15 09:05:37Z tijl $ PORTNAME= filtermail PORTVERSION= 0.8.3 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= mail MASTER_SITES= http://sourceforge.net/projects/mailfilter/files/Mailfilter/ DISTNAME= mailfilter-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= jmc-filtermail@milibyte.co.uk COMMENT= Filter mail on a POP3 server: saves downloading spam LICENSE= GPLv3 # This port is filtermail, but the author called it mailfilter. To avoid a # clash with another port called mailfilter, we change all files # installed by this port from the form *mailfilter* to the form # *filtermail*, and similarly the names in the man pages. # EXTRACT_CMD= ${GZIP_CMD} EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS= -dc EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS= | ${SED} 's/[mM][aA][iI][lL][fF][iI][lL][tT][eE][rR]/filtermail/g' | ${TAR} -xf - WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION} USES= bison gmake USE_OPENSSL= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE= yes CPPFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include LDFLAGS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib PLIST_FILES= bin/${PORTNAME} \ man/man1/${PORTNAME}.1.gz \ man/man5/${PORTNAME}ex.5.gz \ man/man5/${PORTNAME}rc.5.gz post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|filtermail.sourceforge|mailfilter.sourceforge|g' ${WRKSRC}/README post-extract: @${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/src/getopt.h .include