---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailman has been installed, but requires further configuration before use! ========================================== WARNING ATTENTION DANGER ATTENTION WARNING ========================================== mail/mailman requires proper directory permissions to run; but due to pkg 1.4.1 or libarchive bugs, directory permissions can not be created properly. If you installed mailman with pkg -I, --no-script or --no-install-scripts, you MUST(!) run the post-install script now, as root: env "PKG_PREFIX=%%PREFIX%%" sh \ %%MAILMANDIR%%/bin/FreeBSD-post-install x POST-INSTALL ========================================== WARNING ATTENTION DANGER ATTENTION WARNING ========================================== You will have to configure both your MTA (mail server) and web server to integrate with Mailman. If the port's documentation has been installed, extensive post-installation instructions may be found in: %%DOCSDIR%%/FreeBSD-post-install-notes Note (1): - ESPECIALLY RELEVANT FOR USERS OF THE BINARY PACKAGE - The FreeBSD binary package is built for use with Sendmail, and it will not work properly with alternative MTAs such as Exim or Postfix. In order for Mailman to work with an alternative mailer, the port must be installed from source, with proper options configured. The separate poudriere port can be used to locally build a binary package of Mailman with non-default options. - FOR USERS OF A PORT BUILT FROM SOURCE - If you use an alternate MTA (meaning "not Sendmail"), you MUST be sure that the correct value of MAIL_GID was used when this port or package was built. You can choose your MTA with the correct MAIL_GID by running "make config" in the Mailman port's directory. Note (2): The entire Mailman installation resides under %%MAILMANDIR%%. The command-line scripts necessary to administer Mailman have been installed in %%MAILMANDIR%%/bin. Note (3): As of version 2.1, Mailman's queue runner runs as a daemon and is started by a script in %%LOCALBASE%%/etc/rc.d In order to make private archives searchable with namazu2, you need to copy or link %%LOCALBASE%%/libexec/namazu.cgi to %%MAILMANDIR%%/archives/private// and configure .namazurc. Refer to %%LOCALBASE%%/etc/namazu/namazurc.sample. You can also see the document in Japanese language in ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE INFORMATION FOR UPDATES OF 2.1.18/OLDER TO VERSION 2.1.19 AND NEWER: Changed behavior - Mailman's log files, request.pck files and heldmsg-* files are no longer created world readable to protect against access by untrusted local users. Note that permissions on existing log files won't be changed so if you are concerned about this and don't rotate logs or have a logrotate process that creates new log files instead of letting Mailman create them, you will need to address that. (LP: #1327404) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------