# Created by: Rong-En Fan # $FreeBSD: head/misc/mbuffer/Makefile 412348 2016-04-01 14:17:44Z mat $ PORTNAME= mbuffer PORTVERSION= 2015.10.02 CATEGORIES= misc MASTER_SITES= http://www.maier-komor.de/software/mbuffer/ DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION:S/.//g} MAINTAINER= mm@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Tool for buffering data streams LICENSE= GPLv3 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USES= gmake tar:tgz GNU_CONFIGURE= yes MAKE_ARGS= SHELL=${SH} PLIST_FILES= bin/mbuffer man/man1/mbuffer.1.gz OPTIONS_DEFINE= MHASH MHASH_DESC= Use mhash for hash generation OPTIONS_DEFAULT= MHASH .include .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MMHASH} LIB_DEPENDS+= libmhash.so:security/mhash CFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include LDFLAGS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=ac_cv_search_mhash_init=no USE_OPENSSL= yes .endif # Prevent sendfile() from being detected by configure and rejected # by mbuffer.c due to being "unable to send from buffers". CONFIGURE_ARGS+=ac_cv_search_sendfile=no .include post-configure: # Rename variables to make sure they aren't redefined through mhash.h @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e 's@(PACKAGE|VERSION)@MBUFFER_\1@' \ ${WRKSRC}/config.h ${WRKSRC}/mbuffer.c .include