# Created by: Matthew Seaman # $FreeBSD: head/net-mgmt/nagios-check_postgres/Makefile 405835 2016-01-12 07:48:30Z matthew $ PORTNAME= check_postgres PORTVERSION= 2.22.0 CATEGORIES= net-mgmt databases perl5 MASTER_SITES= http://bucardo.org/downloads/ PKGNAMEPREFIX= nagios- MAINTAINER= matthew@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Monitor various attributes of your PostgreSQL database LICENSE= BSD2CLAUSE NO_ARCH= yes USES= perl5 USE_PERL5= configure USES+= pgsql # This script is primarily used for monitoring via Nagios, but it also # has output styles compatible with cacti or mrtg. The options # control whether symlinks get made to locations where those # applications expect to find their plugin scripts. OPTIONS_DEFINE= NAGIOS CACTI OPTIONS_DEFAULT= NAGIOS OPTIONS_SUB= yes NAGIOS_DESC= Create symlinks in Nagios plugins dir NAGIOS_PLUGINS= ${PREFIX}/libexec/nagios NAGIOS_LINKS= archive_ready \ autovac_freeze \ backends \ bloat \ checkpoint \ cluster_id \ commitratio \ connection \ custom_query \ database_size \ disabled_triggers \ disk_space \ fsm_pages \ fsm_relations \ hitratio \ hot_standby_delay \ index_size \ last_analyze \ last_autoanalyze \ last_autovacuum \ last_vacuum \ listener \ locks \ logfile \ new_version_bc \ new_version_box \ new_version_cp \ new_version_pg \ new_version_tnm \ pgagent_jobs \ pgb_pool_cl_active \ pgb_pool_cl_waiting \ pgb_pool_maxwait \ pgb_pool_sv_active \ pgb_pool_sv_idle \ pgb_pool_sv_login \ pgb_pool_sv_tested \ pgb_pool_sv_used \ pgbouncer_backends \ pgbouncer_checksum \ prepared_txns \ query_runtime \ query_time \ relation_size \ replicate_row \ same_schema \ sequence \ settings_checksum \ slony_status \ table_size \ timesync \ txn_idle \ txn_time \ txn_wraparound \ version \ wal_files CACTI_DESC= Create symlinks in Cacti scripts dir CACTI_SCRIPTS= ${PREFIX}/share/cacti/scripts CACTI_LINKS= dbstats .include post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e s,%%LOCALBASE%%,${LOCALBASE}, ${WRKSRC}/check_postgres.pl post-install-NAGIOS-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${NAGIOS_PLUGINS} .for l in ${NAGIOS_LINKS} ${LN} -s ../../bin/check_postgres.pl \ ${STAGEDIR}${NAGIOS_PLUGINS}/check_postgres_${l} .endfor post-install-CACTI-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${CACTI_SCRIPTS} .for l in ${CACTI_LINKS} ${LN} -s ../../../bin/check_postgres.pl \ ${STAGEDIR}${CACTI_SCRIPTS}/check_postgres_${l} .endfor regression-test: build @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${MAKE} test .include