=== Configuration details === You can mostly follow the guide at: http://observium.org/wiki/Installation with the following notes: - Installation directory is %%WWWDIR%% - The following lines should be added to /etc/crontab: 33 */6 * * * www cd %%WWWDIR%% && %%PHP%% discovery.php -h all */5 * * * * www cd %%WWWDIR%% && %%PHP%% discovery.php -h new */5 * * * * www cd %%WWWDIR%% && %%PHP%% poller.php -h all */5 * * * * www cd %%WWWDIR%% && %%PYTHON%% poller-wrapper.py 2 Notes: - With newer MySQL databases you may need to disable strict mode for Observium to function: SET GLOBAL sql_mode = ''; - Apache needs mod_rewrite enabled; uncomment the line below in httpd.conf as needed. LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache24/mod_rewrite.so - A minimal install can be created with the following steps and configuration file: 0: make sure apache and mysql are up and running. 1: create the database and a dbaccount with the following (my)SQL commands: CREATE DATABASE observium DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON observium.* TO 'observium'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'notSecure'; SET GLOBAL sql_mode = ''; 2: create a minimal config file at: %%WWWDIR%%/config.php containing: