#!/bin/sh # # Created by: Mark Felder # $FreeBSD: head/net-mgmt/unifi4/files/unifi.in 412367 2016-04-01 18:29:28Z mat $ # # PROVIDE: unifi # REQUIRE: LOGIN # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable `unifi': # # unifi_enable="YES" . /etc/rc.subr name=unifi rcvar=unifi_enable load_rc_config ${name} : ${unifi_enable:=NO} : ${unifi_user:=%%USERS%%} : ${unifi_group:=%%GROUPS%%} : ${unifi_chdir=%%JAVASHAREDIR%%/unifi} : ${unifi_javaflags:="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1024M"} command_interpreter=. command="%%PREFIX%%/bin/java" command_args="${unifi_javaflags} -jar lib/ace.jar" start_cmd=start_cmd start_precmd=start_precmd stop_cmd=stop_cmd status_cmd=status_cmd pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" procname=$(JAVAVM_DRYRUN=yes ${command} | fgrep JAVAVM_COMMAND) start_precmd() { if [ ! -e /var/run/unifi ] ; then install -d -o %%USERS%% -g %%GROUPS%% /var/run/unifi; fi } start_cmd() { check_startmsgs && echo "Starting ${name}." cd ${unifi_chdir} daemon -u %%USERS%% -f -p ${pidfile} ${command} ${command_args} start } stop_cmd() { check_startmsgs && echo "Stopping ${name}." rc_pid=$(check_pidfile $pidfile $procname) cd ${unifi_chdir} ${command} ${command_args} stop wait_for_pids $rc_pid } status_cmd() { if [ -e ${pidfile} ] && $(pgrep -F ${pidfile} > /dev/null) ; then mypid=$(cat ${pidfile}) fi if [ ! ${mypid} = '' ]; then echo "${name} is running with PID ${mypid}."; else echo "${name} not running?"; fi } run_rc_command "$1"