============================================================================== THIS PACKAGE INSTALLS THE NEWER VERSION OF THE SOFTWARE WHICH CAN CAUSE SYSTEM INSTABILITY WHILE USED. USE THE UPDATED VERSION ONLY IF YOU EXPERIENCE PROBLEMS WITH THE DRIVER PRESENT IN THE KERNEL DISTRIBUTION Usage: To load the updated version of the driver add this: if_%%PORTNAME%%_updated_load="YES" to your /boot/loader.conf and reboot the machine. There's no need to recompile the GENERIC kernel without if_%%PORTNAME%% driver After the reboot you may see this kind of messaged in the dmesg: module_register: module pci/%%PORTNAME%% already exists! Module pci/%%PORTNAME%% failed to register: 17 This is the side effect of the newer version of the driver overriding the older one and can be safely disregarded ==============================================================================