# Created by: Greg Larkin # $FreeBSD: head/net/rubygem-right_aws/Makefile 414136 2016-04-27 21:57:31Z swills $ PORTNAME= right_aws PORTVERSION= 3.1.0 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= net rubygems MASTER_SITES= RG MAINTAINER= ruby@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Provides access to Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, and SDB web services LICENSE= MIT RUN_DEPENDS= rubygem-right_http_connection>=1.2.5:net/rubygem-right_http_connection NO_ARCH= yes USE_RUBY= yes USES= gem OPTIONS_DEFINE= LIBXML LIBXML_DESC= Use libxml instead of REXML LIBXML_RUN_DEPENDS= rubygem-libxml-ruby>=0.5.2:textproc/rubygem-libxml-ruby .include