====================================================================== You installed vm-to-tor: framework that allows to connect virtual machines to the tor network. It requires sysctl variable net.link.tap.user_open=1 set in /etc/sysctl.conf. To start vm-to-tor manually, you can use this command: # service vm-to-tor onestart This will connect an adapter tap0 to tor. Then you need to change settings of one virtual machine to use tap0 interface (in VirtualBox you need to set "Bridged Adapter" as a network type and choose tap0 as an adapter name, in bhyve tap0 will just work). To enable at system startup, you can add one of these lines: . %%PREFIX%%/etc/vm-to-tor.rc.conf.simple or . %%PREFIX%%/etc/vm-to-tor.rc.conf.complex to /etc/rc.conf, and modify %%PREFIX%%/etc/vm-to-tor.rc.conf.* according to your needs. Please read there the explanation of vm-to-tor features. Before changing configuration, you need to stop vm-to-tor with # service vm-to-tor {one}stop After changing configuration, you need to start it again: # service vm-to-tor start To see the status of vm-to-tor: # service vm-to-tor status To connect to the virtual machine tap1 with ssh: # ssh To change tor router setting for machine tapN with ctrl protocol: # vm-ctrl tapN By design, you can't connect to the host from the virtual machine for security reasons. Machine is isolated from the host environment, and is not host-aware. Besides the optional NFS connection, all communication initiated by the virtual machine happens only through tor. ======================================================================