1 Congratulations! You have successfully installed
ILIAS e-learning platform. Please keep in mind that
heavily used ILIAS installation can cause huge growth
of your log file, so remember to disable notices logging
in your PHP installation.
2 Also, this installation process has installed everything
that is needed for ILIAS to run properly with basic
functionality, but to broaden it you will have to install
third party software like Sun Java, HTMLdoc, LaTeX or
some virus scanner by yourself.
3 Add the following to your Apache configuration file
httpd.conf, and restart the server:
For Apache versions earlier than 2.4:
Alias /ilias %%WWWDIR%%/
AcceptPathInfo On
AllowOverride None
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
For Apache version 2.4.x or above:
Alias /ilias %%WWWDIR%%/
AcceptPathInfo On
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
4 Then feel free to proceed to ILIAS web setup proccess.
When input Ilias data directory, please use
%%PREFIX%%/%%ILIASDATADIR%% and uncheck the create option.
5 After the installation, you can login into the system
with username/root and password/homer as the administrator.
For more information, see the INSTALL DOCUMENTATION: