--- Xplore.tmpl.orig Wed May 1 16:59:23 2002 +++ Xplore.tmpl Sun Feb 1 23:18:12 2004 @@ -49,41 +49,7 @@ /* These definitions are needed for statfs() and the stuff in mnttable.c. */ -#ifdef AIXArchitecture - SYSDEP = -DAIX -#endif - -#ifdef AlphaArchitecture - SYSDEP = -DOSF1 -#endif - -#ifdef HPArchitecture - SYSDEP = -DHPUX -D_HPUX_SOURCE -#endif - -#ifdef i386Architecture SYSDEP = -DFreeBSD -#endif - -#ifdef LinuxArchitecture - SYSDEP = -DLINUX -#endif - -#ifdef SCOArchitecture - SYSDEP = -DSCO -#endif - -#ifdef SGIArchitecture - SYSDEP = -DSGI -#endif - -#if defined(SunArchitecture) -#if OSMajorVersion > 4 - SYSDEP = -DSOLARIS -#else - SYSDEP = -DSUNOS -#endif -#endif XCOMM If your system is not SVR4 and neither matches one of the above, you XCOMM might wish to uncomment one of the following and proceed with fingers