# Created by: sk8harddiefast # $FreeBSD: head/x11-themes/gtk-blueprint-engine/Makefile 412351 2016-04-01 14:33:55Z mat $ PORTNAME= blueprint PORTVERSION= 0.9.20 PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= x11-themes MASTER_SITES= http://dlc.sun.com/osol/jds/downloads/extras/ PKGNAMEPREFIX= gtk- PKGNAMESUFFIX= -engine MAINTAINER= sk8harddiefast@gmail.com COMMENT= Engine, and collection of icons, themes from OpenSolaris LICENSE= GPLv2 BUILD_DEPENDS= icon-naming-utils>=0.8.90:x11-themes/icon-naming-utils GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USES= gmake libtool perl5 pkgconfig tar:bzip2 USE_GNOME= glib20 gtk20 intltool intlhack INSTALLS_ICONS= yes .include