# $FreeBSD: head/x11/qt5-qev/Makefile 372179 2014-11-05 09:39:21Z rakuco $ PORTNAME= qev DISTVERSION= ${QT5_VERSION} CATEGORIES= x11 PKGNAMEPREFIX= qt5- MAINTAINER= kde@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Qt QWidget events introspection tool USE_QT5= core widgets QT_DIST= tools USES= qmake WRKSRC_SUBDIR= src/${PORTNAME} # qev is not connected to qttool's build system, so we cannot just run qmake # and set {BUILD,INSTALL}_WRKSRC. # Instead, we run qmake from src/${PORTNAME} but need to copy .qmake.conf to # it for all required variables to be set (MODULE_VERSION etc). post-patch: ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/../../.qmake.conf ${WRKSRC} .include